"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take away everything you have."

Friday, January 22, 2010

Massachusetts Earns Their Brownie Points

How does a Democrat running for senate, in what is supposed to be the bluest state in the union, lose a 30 point lead in the span of just of three weeks? But on top of that lose the seat that was held by the same man for almost 47 years in a state where his family name is almost royalty. This is my take on what actually enabled Scott Brown to win Massachusetts and turn what was a Democrat guarantee into a GOP win.

Registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 3 to 1 in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. However the majority of registered voters are not Democrats, and in fact they outnumber both Democrats and Republicans combined. They are the Independents and Scott Brown's campaign was geared strictly towards those voters. But here is how he won.

Common Sense on Terrorism: Everyone in this country will tell you that we are at war with terrorism. Everyone except for maybe this administration. The administration proves this through the civilian trials of the 9/11 terrorists coming soon in NYC. For some reason, according to this administration, these terrorists who murdered thousands of Americans (and would do it again in a heart beat), somehow deserve the same rights as you and I in a civilian courtroom in NYC while on the taxpayer dime. It is absolutely disgraceful and insulting to us as Americans that this is going on. And Barry saw the beginning consequences of his actions with Scott Brown's win. More to come in November.

Common Sense on economics: Never raise taxes during a recession! However, every policy put forth by the democrat congress and Barry has been an indirect if not direct tax on the entire country no matter what his campaign promises were. People understand this because while working hours decrease, their income does the same, however this administration feels the need to make them pay more in taxes? Barry's problem is that he believes government is the answer to all of our problems. Maybe if he studied history he would understand that his policies and beliefs do not work (but this is a totally different story that would take pages to write). His idea of "change" was not what America voted for.

Common Sense on Health Care: When over 60% of Americans being polled disagree or strongly disagree with the Obama Care (Communist Care), why would Barry and the Democrats continue trying to push it through? Answer: They DON'T CARE. They believe for some reason that government run health care is the answer despite the living proof across the pond, that it does not and will not work. By ignoring that 60% and calling them the minority or fringe, Barry and the Democrats lost their senate super majority and a seat held by their party for since 1953.

Furthermore, Americans are getting tired of special interest groups, union bosses, favors, bribes, back room deals, etc. The only special interest group that Congress should be listening to is the American people. Everybody knew that saying one thing and then doing another was certainly going to catch up with Barry sooner or later. The thing is, it took less than a year for that to happen. Well before anybody's guess.

Last but not least, this one is for Barry- "YOU LIE!"~ Joe Wilson

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