A recent article from
National Review editor Ramesh Ponnuru, entitled
"Obama vs. the Constitution," does a great job summarizing the numerous ways in which Obama has shown disregard for the rule of law as president. If Obama has behaved in this way during his first four years in office, knowing that he still has to face the voters again, it seems logical that he will be even more bold in pushing through his agenda in defiance of constitutional restraints if he is re-elected!
I also found this fascinating series of graphs that chart the employment percentage of the working-age population during and after three key recessions in recent U.S. history. The first one is from the early 1980's, the second one is from the early 1990's, and the final one is from the last several years. They powerfully demonstrate the utter economic failure of the Obama Administration and the need for a change in leadership.
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