"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take away everything you have."

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Messiah vs. "the messiah"

Back in 2008, some people referred to King Barack I as a "messiah", some in jest and some in all seriousness.  Just for fun, let's compare and contrast the messiah, Barack Hussein Obama, with the Messiah, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  (NOTE: This is tongue in cheek, with no disrespect intended (toward Jesus, that is).  Please don't take this too seriously.)

  1. Jesus fed the 5000.  (John 6)  Obama is the food stamp president.
  2. Some of Jesus's followers were only in it for the goodies.  (John 6:26)  And so are some of Obama's followers.
  3. Jesus commands the waves. (Mark 4:35-40) Obama thinks he can do the same.
  4. Jesus told his disciples to carry swords.  (Luke 22:36) Obama told his followers to carry guns.  (Some of them also carry billy clubs.)
  5. Jesus told a rich man to sell everything that he owned and to follow him.  (Luke 18:22)  Obama wants the rich to pay more in taxes.
  6. Jesus is the King of Kings.  Obama thinks that he's a king.
  1. Jesus turned water into wine.  Obama turns teleprompter text into whine.
  2. Jesus blamed the devil.  (Matthew 17:18)  Obama blames Bush.
  3. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me."  (Matthew 19:14)  Obama said, "Let the little children die alone in a closet."
  4. Jesus was born in Bethlehem.  I'm not quite sure where Obama was born. 
  5. Jesus bows to God only.  (Matthew 4)  Obama, on the other hand...
  6. Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's.  (Matthew 22)  Obama appointed a tax cheat to his Cabinet. 
  7. Jesus healed the sick.  He did not assess a tax for not being healed.  (For that matter, he did not tax the people that he healed, either.)  Obama's signature piece of legislation penalizes taxes people who don't buy medical insurance.
  8. Best of all: Jesus will return one day.  Obama is limited to two terms as president.
This is fun!  If you can think of anything that I missed, then add your two cents' worth in the comments section.

1 comment:

Natedawg said...

This is great! You have a real gift for satire, Some Dude.